Monday, May 26, 2014

Dear John...(Part 3)

Well, she's done.  I can't, for the life of me, get a decent photo in there.  Everything looks blue, or grainy and weird.  You'll just have to take my word that it's much better in person, and better than the nightmare it was before, and for the most part, I'm happy. I don't love the shower curtain, I'm trying to get used to a paint color that isn't a variance of tan, I hate the window blind, and I still need to find a drain overflow cover that matches the showerhead and handle.  #firstworldproblems.  I'm working on seeing if I can get a video off of my phone uploaded, so maybe the colors won't look so weird in video.  I'll probably repaint it when I paint the adjoining bedroom (see previous posts about the paint), but for now, I need to give my shoulders a break.  Those cabinets?  Yeah, those are actually two separate cabinets.  We have a lot of crap, and needed more storage than you can generally get with one tiny wall cabinet.  I found a killer deal on these, and hubs had the genius idea to assemble the bottom one upside down, and attach it to the top one with some bolts and voodoo magic.  He had to install the doors upside down and flip the hangers on the back etc.  So in the end we got a huge cabinet for a third of the cost of one that size.  I'm taking the glass out tonight though.  I'm going to frost it with some etching cream so you can't see all the stuff inside.  Nobody wants to look at floss and tampons.

Now onto the pix!


(Frosted glass)

And ladies and gentlemen....behold!  The Glamdelier....

Look, I know that a tiny loo with a big, flaming chandelier isn't for everyone.  A year from now, it might not even be for me. The point is, that it's nice to be able to surround yourself with the things that soothe your soul and make you smile. For me, half the fun is getting there. There's therapy in working with my hands.  My sister just bought her retirement home upnorth, and is filling it with fun log furniture and whimsical cabin decor and is having a ball!  It's what they love, it makes her happy, and that's what it's all about.  Hubs and I work really hard.  It's tough to find downtime and focus on the things that make you happy.  So today, what makes me happy sometimes is shutting off the noise, sipping a moscato in the tub, looking up at a big, ridiculous, twinkly chandelier...

Total project time:  1 week, mostly a couple hours in the evenings and all day on sundays.
Total project cost:  Around $1200.  I'm a big deal hunter so most everything was on sale.  I utilize eBay and surf my little fingers to the nubs.   Next stop - bedroom painting!

If you're doing a project blog- share your link in the comments section, and as always, thanks for reading.